Sundial Classical Consultants offers highly individualized professional development and consulting services. Please watch our introductory video below to learn more.
You can learn more at the following link about our three-part video series entitled Sundial School Design - Enriching the Classroom with Special Education-informed Practices which is available through Vimeo for online purchase and streaming.
- "A Targeted Education” - a brief history of special education in America to explain how we came to adopt the current practices that are used in most schools today
- “The Secret Sauce of Special Ed” - shows why some special education practices are just surface-level Band Aids covering up deeper faults in the system and how a better design leads to lasting change.
- “Sundial's Classroom Design” - presents the structure that I used to design my school, Sundial Classical, and explains how a simple shift in how we group students can improve learning without the need to hire additional staff.